Posted by: scottdeal | October 9, 2009

Blog Post 2: “Slumdog Millionaire”

My girlfriend always makes me watch movies I have never heard of or have no interest in watching. Slumdog Millionaire is a perfect example of one of these movies. I had heard it was about an Indian man’s life shown through the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire show in India. I wasn’t very excited going into the theater but when the movie started everything changed.  The first scene had loud, but very entertaining, up-beat music showing various scenes throughout India, which kept me on the edge of my seat. I was really excited about the movie because it showed me a part of the world I had never seen before or known much about.  It made me take a step back and realize how great we have it here in the United States and we should be grateful for everything we have and own. Slumdog Millionaire is unlike any movie I have seen. Usually I enjoy action movies or comedies that do not have much of a plot but rather entertainment value. This movie takes a famous game show and connects it to the contestant’s life through each question. Each correct answer he gives are related to specific events and learning experiences in his life. Slumdog Millionaire is a journey through the eyes of a boy in India, it is amazing to me to see how he lived and yet he was still a happy person. The best part about the movie to me is the host of the show and the police think he is cheating because they do not think someone from the slums can know all the answers. He does in fact know because of everything he has been through as a child and a young adult. I would recommend this movie to everyone because it is not the typical Hollywood movie. It will get you to think about life and what is really important. Slumdog Millionaire is now one of my favorite movies of all time.  Trying something new and branching out from your normal movie interests can sometimes lead to finding an all-time favorite.


  1. In the dance world, this movie re-introduced the type of “Bollywood” dance that is now apparent in some new dance routines. That is really all I ever knew about this movie. So, as a dancer, I decided that I need to see this movie, but I wasn’t in any hurry. But, now after seeing the trailor and reading your review, I need to see this movie. Movies that have trails and tribulations are really inspiring to me, and who doesn’t like an inspiring movie every once in a while? I am glad that you ended up using this as your movie to comment on, and I am glad that your girlfriend made you watch it 🙂 I felt that same way that you did about this movie, that it wasn’t that important to see it in the theater, and I am not too hip on spending money, I’ll wait until it comes out on TV or something. But, now that I’ve read the review and I have had the push of the dancers, I know that I should see this movie. Nice review.

  2. Slumgdog Millionaire is one of the best movies I have ever seen! It’s not the typical Hollywood film with lots of action and an intense story line, it’s has it’s own flair and originality. The way this film shows how civilization is in India is almost heartbreaking when you compare it to cities likes Seattle or even Steilacoom. All of the challenges the young children face daily, these children are around 7 years old and already they are forced to face the world on their own. Jamal is in a serious predicament of his own, he has loved Latika since he met her when they were children, yet his brother Salim is dedicated to getting rid of her and living a life only with his brother. Jamal is shown not only struggling to survive on his own, he also is struggling to find Latika, after Salim sent her away, and repair his relationship with Salilm. The tragic past of Jamal is told with an interesting twist, while Jamal is on the internationally famous television show, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. His story is truly an inspiration that anything is possibly with hard work and dedication.

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