Posted by: scottdeal | October 23, 2009

Blog Post 3: “Sicko”

Sicko by Michael Moore is a documentary about health care in the United States. The goal of this film by Moore is to give the citizens of our country a look at our health care system compared to other countries, and an inside look at our corrupt insurance companies. Michael Moore makes his argument by interviewing different people around the United States that have been let down by the health care system. His main participants in the film were three 9/11 volunteers. Those three people did not receive any care for the work they did on 9/11, so he took them to Cuba to receive care. Oddly enough, all he wanted for those three people, was the same care the prisoners were getting in Guantanamo Bay, which was better than the average American. Moore also talked to former employees of insurance companies that admitted the companies just wanted to make money, and not help people. Those insurance companies would try to find ways to deny patients the care they needed in order to save money. This film used many techniques to get the point across by showing clips from 9/11. They interviewed family members of people who were denied care and then died because of this. Also, his trip to Cuba was very interesting. If this were written in an essay, a person would not get the same effect as video evidence shows. Moore’s argument would have still been the same, but he could not explain how the people looked or felt, as well as the viewer watching the sadness and realness of the situation. Michael Moore did a great job at getting his point across that the United States needs to fix the health care system.


  1. Well said. I like how you neatly summed up the entire movie’s main points, while still expressing the feelings that the victims of health care corruption felt in the interviews. The trip he took with the people to Guantanamo bay was interesting indeed! I never realized that cuba, of all nations CUBA, had a better health care system than we do. For the 9/11 workers to get their treatment for free, and then get the welcome from the firefighters there brought up feelings of joy, joy that they finally got what they needed. I also felt guilty, for how my own government treated its heroes. These people saved more lives than the insurance does! It seriously makes me want to move out of the country to Britain or France. I’m a hard working and honest person, I bet that I could live a life that’s hundreds of times better than what my parents are now, not because of luck, or the amount of money I make, but because I lived in a different country. Who wants to come with me?

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